Writer’s Assistant – Mark Tapson

Mark Tapson began work in Hollywood as a script reader for various production companies, writing evaluations of literally hundreds of scripts and books in addition to writing movie reviews, cable TV promos, and script treatments, as well as freelancing as an editor and ghostwriter.


He became Cyrus Nowrasteh’s assistant and researcher for the highly regarded miniseries THE PATH TO 9/11, and subsequently for many other projects, including THE STONING OF SORAYA M.


A Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Mark writes frequently about politics and pop culture for Acculturated, FrontPage Mag, PJ Media, Big Hollywood, and elsewhere.


As a screenwriter, he co-wrote the award-winning documentary JIHAD IN AMERICA: THE GRAND DECEPTION, recently finished a feature adaption of Michael Graham’s crime thriller THE SNOW ANGELand is currently adapting Caspar Weinberger’s & Peter Schweizer’s book THE NEXT WAR as a feature film.


Find Mark at his website here and on Twitter